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var $module=(function($B){
var _b_ = $B.builtins
var $s = []
for(var $b in _b_){$s.push('var ' + $b +' = _b_["'+$b+'"]')}
var $mod = {
__getattr__ : function(attr){
if(attr == 'new'){return hash.$factory}
return this[attr]
md5: function(obj){return hash.$factory('md5', obj)},
sha1: function(obj){return hash.$factory('sha1', obj)},
sha224: function(obj){return hash.$factory('sha224', obj)},
sha256: function(obj){return hash.$factory('sha256', obj)},
sha384: function(obj){return hash.$factory('sha384', obj)},
sha512: function(obj){return hash.$factory('sha512', obj)},
algorithms_guaranteed: ['md5', 'sha1', 'sha224', 'sha256', 'sha384', 'sha512'],
algorithms_available: ['md5', 'sha1', 'sha224', 'sha256', 'sha384', 'sha512']
//todo: eventually move this function to a "utility" file or use ajax module?
function $get_CryptoJS_lib(alg){
if($B.VFS !== undefined && $B.VFS.hashlib){
// use file in brython_stdlib.js
var lib = $B.VFS["crypto_js.rollups." + alg]
if (lib === undefined){
throw _b_.ImportError.$factory("can't import hashlib." + alg)
var res = lib[1]
eval(res + "; $B.CryptoJS = CryptoJS;")
throw Error("JS Eval Error",
"Cannot eval CryptoJS algorithm '" + alg + "' : error:" + err)
var module = {__name__: 'CryptoJS', $is_package: false}
var res = $B.$download_module(module, $B.brython_path + 'libs/crypto_js/rollups/' + alg + '.js');
eval(res + "; $B.CryptoJS = CryptoJS;")
throw Error("JS Eval Error",
"Cannot eval CryptoJS algorithm '" + alg + "' : error:" + err)
function bytes2WordArray(obj){
// Transform a bytes object into an instance of class WordArray
// defined in CryptoJS
if(!_b_.isinstance(obj, _b_.bytes)){
throw _b_.TypeError("expected bytes, got " + $B.class_name(obj))
var words = []
for(var i = 0; i < obj.source.length; i += 4){
var word = obj.source.slice(i, i + 4)
while(word.length < 4){word.push(0)}
var w = word[3] + (word[2] << 8) + (word[1] << 16) + (word[0] << 24)
return {words: words, sigBytes: obj.source.length}
var hash = {
__class__: _b_.type,
__mro__: [_b_.object],
__name__: 'hash'
hash.update = function(self, msg){
hash.copy = function(self){
return self.hash.clone()
hash.digest = function(self){
var obj = self.hash.clone().finalize().toString(),
res = []
for(var i = 0; i < obj.length; i += 2){
res.push(parseInt(obj.substr(i, 2), 16))
return _b_.bytes.$factory(res)
hash.hexdigest = function(self) {
return self.hash.clone().finalize().toString()
hash.$factory = function(alg, obj) {
var res = {
__class__: hash
switch(alg) {
case 'md5':
case 'sha1':
case 'sha224':
case 'sha256':
case 'sha384':
case 'sha512':
var ALG = alg.toUpperCase()
if($B.Crypto === undefined ||
$B.CryptoJS.algo[ALG] === undefined){$get_CryptoJS_lib(alg)}
res.hash = $B.CryptoJS.algo[ALG].create()
if(obj !== undefined){
throw $B.builtins.AttributeError.$factory('Invalid hash algorithm: ' + alg)
return res
return $mod