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add CUSTOM_BUNDLE file, how to install deps, more edits
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archmoj committed Jun 3, 2021
1 parent a2bccfd commit d6b5498ba74636fea93a2da813413acdb270618f
Showing with 64 additions and 49 deletions.
  1. +6 −5
  2. +56 −0
  3. +1 −44
  4. +1 −0 tasks/test_syntax.js
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
# Alternative ways to require or build plotly.js
Depending on your needs, to bundle plotly.js into your application one of [the browserified distributed plotly.js packages]( on npm could be used.
Depending on your needs you may require/import one of [the distributed plotly.js packages]( or [a plotly.js/lib index file]( and integrate it into your application.

The sections below provide additional info in respect to alternative building frameworks.

## Browserify example

@@ -16,10 +18,7 @@ then simply run
browserify index.js > bundle.js

The sections below provide additional info in respect to alternative building frameworks.

## Webpack

For plotly.js to build with Webpack you will need to install [ify-loader@v1.1.0+]( and add it to your `webpack.config.json`. This adds Browserify transform compatibility to Webpack which is necessary for some plotly.js dependencies.
@@ -39,6 +38,7 @@ A repo that demonstrates how to build plotly.js with Webpack can be found [here]

## Angular CLI

Since Angular uses webpack under the hood and doesn't allow easily to change it's webpack configuration, there is some work needed using a `custom-webpack` builder to get things going.
@@ -99,3 +99,4 @@ module.exports = {
It's important to set `` and ``.
If you have more projects in your `angular.json` make sure to adjust their settings accordingly.
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
# Custom bundle
You can simply make custom bundles yourself, if none of the [distributed packages]( meet your needs, or you want to make a more optimized bundle file with/without specific traces and transforms.

Install plotly.js, move to plotly.js folder then install plotly.js dependencies:
npm i plotly.js@2.0.0-rc.2
cd node_modules/plotly.js
npm i

By default all traces and transforms are included in the bundle if you simply run:
npm run partial-bundle

Use the `traces` option to include just the trace types you need.
npm run partial-bundle -- --traces scatter,scattergl,scatter3d
Please note that the `scatter` trace is currently included in all bundles and cannot be removed.
[This behaviour may change in the future](, so we recommend that you explicitly include `scatter` anyway if you need it in your bundle.

Use the `transforms` option to specify which should be included.
npm run partial-bundle -- --transforms sort,filter

Or use `transforms none` to exclude them all.
npm run partial-bundle -- --transforms none

Use the `out` option to change the bundle filename (default `custom`).
The new bundle will be created in the `dist/` directory and named `plotly-<out>.min.js` or `plotly-<out>.js` if unminified.
npm run partial-bundle -- --out myBundleName

Use the `unminified` option to disable compression.
npm run partial-bundle -- --unminified

# Example illustrating use of different options together
To create an unminified custom bundle named `myScatters` including `scatter`, `scattergl` and `scatter3d` traces without any transforms:
npm run partial-bundle -- \
--unminified \
--out myScatters \
--traces scatter,scattergl,scatter3d \
--transforms none
Or simply on one line:
npm run partial-bundle -- --unminified --out myScatters --traces scatter,scattergl,scatter3d --transforms none
@@ -94,50 +94,7 @@ Load relevant MathJax (v2) files *Before* the plotly.js script tag:
## Bundles
There are two kinds of plotly.js bundles:
1. Complete and partial official bundles that are distributed to `npm` and the `CDN`, described in [the dist README](
2. Custom bundles you can create yourself, if none of the distributed packages meet your needs.

Use the `traces` option to include just the trace types you need.
npm run partial-bundle -- --traces scatter,scattergl,scatter3d
Please note that the `scatter` trace is currently included in all bundles and cannot be removed.
[This behaviour may change in the future](, so we recommend that you explicitly include `scatter` anyway if you need it in your bundle.

By default all transforms are included in the bundle.
Use the `transforms` option to specify which should be included.
npm run partial-bundle -- --transforms sort,filter

Or use `transforms none` to exclude them all.
npm run partial-bundle -- --transforms none

Use the `out` option to change the bundle filename (default `custom`).
The new bundle will be created in the `dist/` directory and named `plotly-<out>.min.js` or `plotly-<out>.js` if unminified.
npm run partial-bundle -- --out myBundleName

Use the `unminified` option to disable compression.
npm run partial-bundle -- --unminified

### Example illustrating use of different options together
To create an unminified custom bundle named `myScatters` including `scatter`, `scattergl` and `scatter3d` traces without any transforms:
npm run partial-bundle -- \
--unminified \
--out myScatters \
--traces scatter,scattergl,scatter3d \
--transforms none
Or simply on one line:
npm run partial-bundle -- --unminified --out myScatters --traces scatter,scattergl,scatter3d --transforms none
2. Custom bundles you can create yourself to optimize the size of bundle depending on your needs. Please visit [CUSTOM_BUNDLE]( for more information.

## Alternative ways to require or build plotly.js
@@ -227,6 +227,7 @@ function assertFileNames() {
base === '' ||
base === '' ||
base === '' ||
base === '' ||
file.indexOf('mathjax') !== -1
) return;

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