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Implementation of Python dictionaries
We can't use Javascript's Map here, because the behaviour is not exactly the
same (eg with keys that are instances of classes with a __hash__ method...)
and because Map is much slower than regular Javascript objects.
A Python dictionary is implemented as a Javascript objects with these
. $version: an integer with an initial value of 0, incremented at each
. $numeric_dict: for keys of type int
. $string_dict and $str_hash: for keys of type str
. $object_dict: for keys of other types
The value associated to a key in $numeric_dict and $string_dict is a pair
[value, rank] where "value" is the value associated with the key and "rank"
is the value of the dict attribute $version when the pair is inserted. This
is required to keep track of the insertion order, mandatory since Python 3.7.
For keys that are not str or int, their hash value is computed. Since several
keys with the same hash can be stored in a dictionary, $object_dict[hash] is a
list of [key, [value, rank]] lists.
var _b_ = $B.builtins
var str_hash = _b_.str.__hash__,
$N = _b_.None
var set_ops = ["eq", "le", "lt", "ge", "gt",
"sub", "rsub", "and", "or", "xor"]
// methods to compare non set-like views
function is_sublist(t1, t2){
// Return true if all elements of t1 are in t2
for(var i = 0, ilen = t1.length; i < ilen; i++){
var x = t1[i],
flag = false
for(var j = 0, jlen = t2.length; j < jlen; j++){
if($B.rich_comp("__eq__", x, t2[j])){
t2.splice(j, 1)
flag = true
if(! flag){
return false
return true
dict_view_op = {
__eq__: function(t1, t2){
return t1.length == t2.length && is_sublist(t1, t2)
__ne__: function(t1, t2){
return ! dict_view_op.__eq__(t1, t2)
__lt__: function(t1, t2){
return t1.length < t2.length && is_sublist(t1, t2)
__gt__: function(t1, t2){
return dict_view_op.__lt__(t2, t1)
__le__: function(t1, t2){
return t1.length <= t2.length && is_sublist(t1, t2)
__ge__: function(t1, t2){
return dict_view_op.__le__(t2, t1)
__and__: function(t1, t2){
var items = []
for(var i = 0, ilen = t1.length; i < ilen; i++){
var x = t1[i]
flag = false
for(var j = 0, jlen = t2.length; j < jlen; j++){
if($B.rich_comp("__eq__", x, t2[j])){
t2.splice(j, 1)
return items
__or__: function(t1, t2){
var items = t1
for(var j = 0, jlen = t2.length; j < jlen; j++){
var y = t2[j],
flag = false
for(var i = 0, ilen = t1.length; i < ilen; i++){
if($B.rich_comp("__eq__", y, t1[i])){
t2.splice(j, 1)
flag = true
if(! flag){
return items
$B.make_view = function(name){
var klass = $B.make_class(name, function(d, items, set_like){
return {
__class__: klass,
__dict__: $B.empty_dict(),
counter: -1,
dict: d,
items: items,
len: items.length,
set_like: set_like
for(var i = 0, len = set_ops.length; i < len; i++){
var op = "__" + set_ops[i] + "__"
klass[op] = (function(op){
return function(self, other){
// compare set of items to other
return _b_.set[op](_b_.set.$factory(self),
// Non-set like views can only be compared to
// instances of the same class
if(other.__class__ !== klass){
return false
var other_items = _b_.list.$factory(other)
return dict_view_op[op](self.items, other_items)
klass.__iter__ = function(self){
var it = klass.$iterator.$factory(self.items)
it.test_change = function(){
return self.dict.$version != self.dict_version
return it
klass.__len__ = function(self){
return self.len
klass.__repr__ = function(self){
return klass.$infos.__name__ + '(' + _b_.repr(self.items) + ')'
$B.set_func_names(klass, "builtins")
return klass
var dict = {
__class__: _b_.type,
__mro__: [_b_.object],
$infos: {
__module__: "builtins",
__name__: "dict"
$is_class: true,
$native: true,
$match_mapping_pattern: true // for pattern matching (PEP 634)
dict.$to_obj = function(d){
// Function applied to dictionary that only have string keys,
// return a Javascript objects with the kays mapped to the value,
// excluding the insertion rank
var res = {}
for(var key in d.$string_dict){
res[key] = d.$string_dict[key][0]
return res
function to_list(d, ix){
var items = [],
items = []
for(var attr in d.$jsobj){
if((! attr.startsWith("$")) &&
((! d.$exclude) || ! d.$exclude(attr))){
var val = d.$jsobj[attr]
if(val === undefined){val = _b_.NotImplemented}
else if(val === null){val = $N}
items.push([attr, val])
}else if(_b_.isinstance(d, _b_.dict)){
for(var k in d.$numeric_dict){
items.push([parseFloat(k), d.$numeric_dict[k]])
for(var k in d.$string_dict){
items.push([k, d.$string_dict[k]])
for(var k in d.$object_dict){
// sort by insertion order
items.sort(function(a, b){
return a[1][1] - b[1][1]
items ={return [item[0], item[1][0]]})
if(ix !== undefined){
res ={return item[ix]})
return res
items.__class__ = _b_.tuple
item.__class__ = _b_.tuple; return item}
$B.dict_to_list = to_list // used in py_types.js
var $copy_dict = function(left, right){
var _l = to_list(right),
si = dict.$setitem
right.$version = right.$version || 0
var right_version = right.$version || 0
for(var i = 0, len = _l.length; i < len; i++){
si(left, _l[i][0], _l[i][1])
if(right.$version != right_version){
throw _b_.RuntimeError.$factory("dict mutated during update")
function rank(self, hash, key){
// Search if object key, with hash = hash(key), is in
// self.$object_dict
var pairs = self.$object_dict[hash]
if(pairs !== undefined){
for(var i = 0, len = pairs.length; i < len; i++){
if($B.rich_comp("__eq__", key, pairs[i][0])){
return i
return -1
dict.__bool__ = function () {
var $ = $B.args("__bool__", 1, {self: null}, ["self"],
arguments, {}, null, null)
return dict.__len__($.self) > 0
dict.__class_getitem__ = function(cls, item){
// PEP 585
// Set as a classmethod at the end of this script, after $B.set_func_names()
if(! Array.isArray(item)){
item = [item]
return $B.GenericAlias.$factory(cls, item)
dict.__contains__ = function(){
var $ = $B.args("__contains__", 2, {self: null, key: null},
["self", "key"], arguments, {}, null, null),
self = $.self,
key = $.key
return self.$jsobj[key] !== undefined
switch(typeof key) {
case "string":
return self.$string_dict.hasOwnProperty(key)
case "number":
return self.$numeric_dict[key] !== undefined
var hash = _b_.hash(key)
if(self.$str_hash[hash] !== undefined &&
$B.rich_comp("__eq__", key, self.$str_hash[hash])){
return true
if(self.$numeric_dict[hash] !== undefined &&
$B.rich_comp("__eq__", key, hash)){
return true
return rank(self, hash, key) > -1
dict.__delitem__ = function(){
var $ = $B.args("__eq__", 2, {self: null, arg: null},
["self", "arg"], arguments, {}, null, null),
self = $.self,
arg = $.arg
if(self.$jsobj[arg] === undefined){throw _b_.KeyError.$factory(arg)}
delete self.$jsobj[arg]
return $N
switch(typeof arg){
case "string":
if(self.$string_dict[arg] === undefined){
throw _b_.KeyError.$factory(_b_.str.$factory(arg))
delete self.$string_dict[arg]
delete self.$str_hash[str_hash(arg)]
return $N
case "number":
if(self.$numeric_dict[arg] === undefined){
throw _b_.KeyError.$factory(_b_.str.$factory(arg))
delete self.$numeric_dict[arg]
return $N
// go with defaults
var hash = _b_.hash(arg),
if((ix = rank(self, hash, arg)) > -1){
self.$object_dict[hash].splice(ix, 1)
throw _b_.KeyError.$factory(_b_.str.$factory(arg))
return $N
dict.__eq__ = function(){
var $ = $B.args("__eq__", 2, {self: null, other: null},
["self", "other"], arguments, {}, null, null),
self = $.self,
other = $.other
if(! _b_.isinstance(other, dict)){return false}
if(self.$jsobj){self = jsobj2dict(self.$jsobj)}
if(other.$jsobj){other = jsobj2dict(other.$jsobj)}
if(dict.__len__(self) != dict.__len__(other)){
return false
if(self.$string_dict.length != other.$string_dict.length){
return false
for(var k in self.$numeric_dict){
if(!$B.rich_comp("__eq__", other.$numeric_dict[k][0],
return false
}else if(other.$object_dict.hasOwnProperty(k)){
var pairs = other.$object_dict[k],
flag = false
for(var i = 0, len = pairs.length; i < len; i++){
if($B.rich_comp("__eq__", k, pairs[i][0]) &&
$B.rich_comp("__eq__", self.$numeric_dict[k],
flag = true
if(! flag){return false}
return false
for(var k in self.$string_dict){
if(!other.$string_dict.hasOwnProperty(k) ||
!$B.rich_comp("__eq__", other.$string_dict[k][0],
return false
for(var hash in self.$object_dict){
var pairs = self.$object_dict[hash]
// Get all (key, value) pairs in other that have the same hash
var other_pairs = []
if(other.$numeric_dict[hash] !== undefined){
other_pairs.push([hash, other.$numeric_dict[hash]])
if(other.$object_dict[hash] !== undefined){
other_pairs = other_pairs.concat(other.$object_dict[hash])
if(other_pairs.length == 0){
return false
for(var i = 0, len_i = pairs.length; i < len_i; i++){
var flag = false
var key = pairs[i][0],
value = pairs[i][1][0]
for(var j = 0, len_j = other_pairs.length; j < len_j; j++){
if($B.rich_comp("__eq__", key, other_pairs[j][0]) &&
$B.rich_comp("__eq__", value, other_pairs[j][1][0])){
flag = true
if(! flag){
return false
return true
dict.__getitem__ = function(){
var $ = $B.args("__getitem__", 2, {self: null, arg: null},
["self", "arg"], arguments, {}, null, null),
self = $.self,
arg = $.arg
return dict.$getitem(self, arg)
dict.$getitem = function(self, arg, ignore_missing){
// ignore_missing is set in dict.get and dict.setdefault
if(self.$exclude && self.$exclude(arg)){
throw _b_.KeyError.$factory(arg)
if(self.$jsobj[arg] === undefined){
if(self.$jsobj.hasOwnProperty &&
return $B.Undefined
throw _b_.KeyError.$factory(arg)
return self.$jsobj[arg]
switch(typeof arg){
case "string":
return self.$string_dict[arg][0]
case "number":
if(self.$numeric_dict[arg] !== undefined){
return self.$numeric_dict[arg][0]
// since the key is more complex use 'default' method of getting item
var hash = _b_.hash(arg),
_eq = function(other){return $B.rich_comp("__eq__", arg, other)}
if(typeof arg == "object"){
arg.$hash = hash // cache for setdefault
var sk = self.$str_hash[hash]
if(sk !== undefined && _eq(sk)){
return self.$string_dict[sk][0]
if(self.$numeric_dict[hash] !== undefined && _eq(hash)){
return self.$numeric_dict[hash][0]
if(_b_.isinstance(arg, _b_.str)){
// string subclass
return self.$string_dict[arg.valueOf()][0]
var ix = rank(self, hash, arg)
if(ix > -1){
return self.$object_dict[hash][ix][1][0]
if(! ignore_missing){
if(self.__class__ !== dict && ! ignore_missing){
var missing_method = $B.$getattr(self.__class__,
"__missing__", _b_.None)
if(missing_method !== _b_.None){
return missing_method(self, arg)
throw _b_.KeyError.$factory(arg)
dict.__hash__ = _b_.None
function init_from_list(self, args){
var i = -1,
stop = args.length - 1,
si = dict.__setitem__
while(i++ < stop){
var item = args[i]
if(item.length != 2){
throw _b_.ValueError.$factory("dictionary " +
`update sequence element #${i} has length 1; 2 is required`)
switch(typeof item[0]) {
case 'string':
self.$string_dict[item[0]] = [item[1], self.$order++]
self.$str_hash[str_hash(item[0])] = item[0]
case 'number':
if(item[0] != 0 && item[0] != 1){
self.$numeric_dict[item[0]] = [item[1], self.$order++]
si(self, item[0], item[1])
dict.__init__ = function(self, first, second){
if(first === undefined){
return $N
if(second === undefined){
if(first.$nat != 'kw' && $B.get_class(first) === $B.JSObj){
for(var key in first){
self.$string_dict[key] = [first[key], self.$order++]
return _b_.None
}else if(first.$jsobj){
self.$jsobj = {}
for(var attr in first.$jsobj){
self.$jsobj[attr] = first.$jsobj[attr]
return $N
}else if(Array.isArray(first)){
init_from_list(self, first)
return $N
var $ = $B.args("dict", 1, {self:null}, ["self"],
arguments, {}, "first", "second")
var args = $.first
if(args.length > 1){
throw _b_.TypeError.$factory("dict expected at most 1 argument" +
", got 2")
}else if(args.length == 1){
args = args[0]
if(args.__class__ === dict){
['$string_dict', '$str_hash', '$numeric_dict', '$object_dict'].
for(key in args[d]){self[d][key] = args[d][key]}
}else if(_b_.isinstance(args, dict)){
$copy_dict(self, args)
var keys = $B.$getattr(args, "keys", null)
if(keys !== null){
var gi = $B.$getattr(args, "__getitem__", null)
if(gi !== null){
// has keys and __getitem__ : it's a mapping, iterate on
// keys and values
gi = $B.$call(gi)
var kiter = _b_.iter($B.$call(keys)())
var key =,
value = gi(key)
dict.__setitem__(self, key, value)
if(err.__class__ === _b_.StopIteration){
throw err
return $N
if(! Array.isArray(args)){
args = _b_.list.$factory(args)
// Form "dict([[key1, value1], [key2,value2], ...])"
init_from_list(self, args)
var kw = $.second.$string_dict
for(var attr in kw){
switch(typeof attr){
case "string":
self.$string_dict[attr] = [kw[attr][0], self.$order++]
self.$str_hash[str_hash(attr)] = attr
case "number":
self.$numeric_dict[attr] = [kw[attr][0], self.$order++]
si(self, attr, kw[attr][0])
return $N
dict.__iter__ = function(self){
return _b_.iter(dict.keys(self))
dict.__ior__ = function(self, other){
// PEP 584
dict.update(self, other)
return self
dict.__len__ = function(self) {
var _count = 0
for(var attr in self.$jsobj){
if(attr.charAt(0) != "$" &&
((! self.$exclude) || ! self.$exclude(attr))){
return _count
for(var k in self.$numeric_dict){_count++}
for(var k in self.$string_dict){_count++}
for(var hash in self.$object_dict){
_count += self.$object_dict[hash].length
return _count
dict.__ne__ = function(self, other){
return ! dict.__eq__(self, other)
dict.__new__ = function(cls){
if(cls === undefined){
throw _b_.TypeError.$factory("int.__new__(): not enough arguments")
var instance = {
__class__: cls,
$numeric_dict : {},
$object_dict : {},
$string_dict : {},
$str_hash: {},
$version: 0,
$order: 0
if(cls !== dict){
instance.__dict__ = $B.empty_dict()
return instance
dict.__or__ = function(self, other){
// PEP 584
if(! _b_.isinstance(other, dict)){
return _b_.NotImplemented
var res = dict.copy(self)
dict.update(res, other)
return res
function __newobj__(){
// __newobj__ is called with a generator as only argument
var $ = $B.args('__newobj__', 0, {}, [], arguments, {}, 'args', null),
args = $.args
var res = $B.empty_dict()
res.__class__ = args[0]
return res
dict.__reduce_ex__ = function(self, protocol){
return $B.fast_tuple([
dict.__repr__ = function(self){
$B.builtins_repr_check(dict, arguments) // in brython_builtins.js
if(self.$jsobj){ // wrapper around Javascript object
return dict.__repr__(jsobj2dict(self.$jsobj, self.$exclude))
return "{...}"
var res = [],
items = to_list(self)
res.push(_b_.repr(item[0]) + ": " + _b_.repr(item[1]))
throw err
return "{" + res.join(", ") + "}"
dict.__ror__ = function(self, other){
// PEP 584
if(! _b_.isinstance(other, dict)){
return _b_.NotImplemented
var res = dict.copy(other)
dict.update(res, self)
return res
dict.__setitem__ = function(self, key, value){
var $ = $B.args("__setitem__", 3, {self: null, key: null, value: null},
["self", "key", "value"], arguments, {}, null, null)
return dict.$setitem($.self, $.key, $.value)
dict.$setitem = function(self, key, value, $hash){
// Set a dictionary item mapping key and value.
// If key is a string, set:
// - $string_dict[key] = [value, order] where "order" is an auto-increment
// unique id to keep track of insertion order
// - $str_hash[hash(key)] to key
// If key is a number, set $numeric_dict[key] = value
// If key is another object, compute its hash value:
// - if the hash is a key of $str_hash, and key == $str_hash[hash],
// replace $string_dict[$str_hash[hash]] by value
// - if the hash is a key of $numeric_dict, and hash == key, replace
// $numeric_dict[hash] by value
// - if the hash is a key of $object_dict: $object_dict[hash] is a list
// of [k, v] pairs. If key is equal to one of the "k", replace the
// matching v by value. Otherwise, add [key, value] to the list
// - else set $object_dict[hash] = [[key, value]]
// In all cases, increment attribute $version, used to detect dictionary
// changes during an iteration.
// Parameter $hash is only set if this method is called by setdefault.
// In this case the hash of key has already been computed and we
// know that the key is not present in the dictionary, so it's no
// use computing hash(key) again, nor testing equality of keys
// dictionary created by method to_dict of JSObj instances
value = $B.pyobj2jsobj(value)
if(self.$jsobj.__class__ === _b_.type){
self.$jsobj[key] = value
if(key == "__init__" || key == "__new__"){
// If class attribute __init__ or __new__ are reset,
// the factory function has to change
self.$jsobj.$factory = $B.$instance_creator(self.$jsobj)
self.$jsobj[key] = value
return $N
if(key instanceof String){
key = key.valueOf()
switch(typeof key){
case "string":
if(self.$string_dict === undefined){
console.log("pas de string dict", self, key, value)
self.$string_dict[key][0] = value
self.$string_dict[key] = [value, self.$order++]
self.$str_hash[str_hash(key)] = key
return $N
case "number":
if(self.$numeric_dict[key] !== undefined){
// existing key: preserve order
self.$numeric_dict[key][0] = value
// special case for 0 and 1 if True or False are keys
var done = false
if((key == 0 || key == 1) &&
self.$object_dict[key] !== undefined){
for(const item of self.$object_dict[key]){
if((key == 0 && item[0] === false) ||
(key == 1 && item[0] === true)){
// replace value
item[1][0] = value
done = true
if(! done){
// new key
self.$numeric_dict[key] = [value, self.$order++]
return $N
case "boolean":
// true replaces 1 and false replaces 0
var num = key ? 1 : 0
if(self.$numeric_dict[num] !== undefined){
var order = self.$numeric_dict[num][1] // preserve order
self.$numeric_dict[num] = [value, order]
if(self.$object_dict[num] !== undefined){
self.$object_dict[num].push([key, [value, self.$order++]])
self.$object_dict[num] = [[key, [value, self.$order++]]]
// if we got here the key is more complex, use default method
var hash = $hash === undefined ? _b_.hash(key) : $hash,
_eq = function(other){return $B.rich_comp("__eq__", key, other)}
if(self.$numeric_dict[hash] !== undefined && _eq(hash)){
self.$numeric_dict[hash] = [value, self.$numeric_dict[hash][1]]
return $N
var sk = self.$str_hash[hash]
if(sk !== undefined && _eq(sk)){
self.$string_dict[sk] = [value, self.$string_dict[sk][1]]
return $N
// If $setitem is called from setdefault, don't test equality of key
// with any object
if(self.$object_dict[$hash] !== undefined){
self.$object_dict[$hash].push([key, [value, self.$order++]])
self.$object_dict[$hash] = [[key, [value, self.$order++]]]
return $N
var ix = rank(self, hash, key)
if(ix > -1){
// reset value
self.$object_dict[hash][ix][1] = [value,
return $N
}else if(self.$object_dict.hasOwnProperty(hash)){
self.$object_dict[hash].push([key, [value, self.$order++]])
self.$object_dict[hash] = [[key, [value, self.$order++]]]
return $N
// add "reflected" methods
dict.clear = function(){
// Remove all items from the dictionary.
var $ = $B.args("clear", 1, {self: null}, ["self"], arguments, {},
null, null),
self = $.self
self.$numeric_dict = {}
self.$string_dict = {}
self.$str_hash = {}
self.$object_dict = {}
for(var attr in self.$jsobj){
if(attr.charAt(0) !== "$" && attr !== "__class__"){
delete self.$jsobj[attr]
self.$order = 0
return $N
dict.copy = function(self){
// Return a shallow copy of the dictionary
var $ = $B.args("copy", 1, {self: null},["self"], arguments,{},
null, null),
self = $.self,
res = $B.empty_dict()
$copy_dict(res, self)
return res
dict.fromkeys = function(){
var $ = $B.args("fromkeys", 3, {cls: null, keys: null, value: null},
["cls", "keys", "value"], arguments, {value: _b_.None}, null, null),
keys = $.keys,
value = $.value
// class method
var klass = $.cls,
res = $B.$call(klass)(),
keys_iter = $B.$iter(keys)
var key =
if(klass === dict){dict.$setitem(res, key, value)}
else{$B.$getattr(res, "__setitem__")(key, value)}
if($B.is_exc(err, [_b_.StopIteration])){
return res
throw err
dict.get = function(){
var $ = $B.args("get", 3, {self: null, key: null, _default: null},
["self", "key", "_default"], arguments, {_default: $N}, null, null)
// call $getitem with ignore_missign set to true
return dict.$getitem($.self, $.key, true)
if(_b_.isinstance(err, _b_.KeyError)){return $._default}
else{throw err}
var dict_items = $B.make_view("dict_items", true)
dict_items.$iterator = $B.make_iterator_class("dict_itemiterator")
dict.items = function(self){
var $ = $B.args('items', 1, {self: null}, ['self'], arguments,
{}, null, null)
var items = to_list(self),
set_like = true
// Check if all values are hashable
for(var i = 0, len = items.length; i < len; i++){
set_like = false
var values = to_list(self)
var it = dict_items.$factory(self, values, set_like)
it.dict_version = self.$version
return it
var dict_keys = $B.make_view("dict_keys")
dict_keys.$iterator = $B.make_iterator_class("dict_keyiterator")
dict.keys = function(self){
var $ = $B.args('keys', 1, {self: null}, ['self'], arguments,
{}, null, null)
var it = dict_keys.$factory(self, to_list(self, 0), true)
it.dict_version = self.$version
return it
dict.pop = function(){
var missing = {},
$ = $B.args("pop", 3, {self: null, key: null, _default: null},
["self", "key", "_default"], arguments, {_default: missing}, null, null),
self = $.self,
key = $.key,
_default = $._default
var res = dict.__getitem__(self, key)
dict.__delitem__(self, key)
return res
if(err.__class__ === _b_.KeyError){
if(_default !== missing){return _default}
throw err
throw err
dict.popitem = function(self){
var itm =
dict.__delitem__(self, itm[0])
return _b_.tuple.$factory(itm)
}catch(err) {
if (err.__class__ == _b_.StopIteration) {
throw _b_.KeyError.$factory("'popitem(): dictionary is empty'")
dict.setdefault = function(){
var $ = $B.args("setdefault", 3, {self: null, key: null, _default: null},
["self", "key", "_default"], arguments, {_default: $N}, null, null),
self = $.self,
key = $.key,
_default = $._default
// Pass 3rd argument to dict.$getitem to avoid using __missing__
// Cf. issue #1598
return dict.$getitem(self, key, true)
if(err.__class__ !== _b_.KeyError){
throw err
if(_default === undefined){_default = $N}
var hash = key.$hash
key.$hash = undefined
dict.$setitem(self, key, _default, hash)
return _default
dict.update = function(self){
var $ = $B.args("update", 1, {"self": null}, ["self"], arguments,
{}, "args", "kw"),
self = $.self,
args = $.args,
kw = $.kw
if(args.length > 0){
var o = args[0]
if(_b_.isinstance(o, dict)){
o = jsobj2dict(o.$jsobj)
$copy_dict(self, o)
}else if(_b_.hasattr(o, "keys")){
var _keys = _b_.list.$factory($B.$call($B.$getattr(o, "keys"))())
for(var i = 0, len = _keys.length; i < len; i++){
var _value = $B.$getattr(o, "__getitem__")(_keys[i])
dict.$setitem(self, _keys[i], _value)
var it = _b_.iter(o),
i = 0
var item =
if(err.__class__ === _b_.StopIteration){break}
throw err
key_value = _b_.list.$factory(item)
throw _b_.TypeError.$factory("cannot convert dictionary" +
" update sequence element #" + i + " to a sequence")
if(key_value.length !== 2){
throw _b_.ValueError.$factory("dictionary update " +
"sequence element #" + i + " has length " +
key_value.length + "; 2 is required")
dict.$setitem(self, key_value[0], key_value[1])
$copy_dict(self, kw)
return $N
var dict_values = $B.make_view("dict_values")
dict_values.$iterator = $B.make_iterator_class("dict_valueiterator")
dict.values = function(self){
var $ = $B.args('values', 1, {self: null}, ['self'], arguments,
{}, null, null)
var values = to_list(self, 1)
var it = dict_values.$factory(self, values, false)
it.dict_version = self.$version
return it
dict.$factory = function(){
var res = dict.__new__(dict)
var args = [res]
for(var i = 0, len = arguments.length; i < len ; i++){
dict.__init__.apply(null, args)
return res
_b_.dict = dict
$B.set_func_names(dict, "builtins")
dict.__class_getitem__ = _b_.classmethod.$factory(dict.__class_getitem__)
$B.empty_dict = function(){
return {
__class__: dict,
$numeric_dict : {},
$object_dict : {},
$string_dict : {},
$str_hash: {},
$version: 0,
$order: 0
// This must be done after set_func_names, otherwise dict.fromkeys doesn't
// have the attribute $infos
dict.fromkeys = _b_.classmethod.$factory(dict.fromkeys)
$B.getset_descriptor = $B.make_class("getset_descriptor",
function(klass, attr){
return {
__class__: $B.getset_descriptor,
__doc__: _b_.None,
cls: klass,
attr: attr
$B.getset_descriptor.__repr__ = $B.getset_descriptor.__str__ = function(self){
return `<attribute '${self.attr}' of '${self.cls.$infos.__name__}' objects>`
$B.set_func_names($B.getset_descriptor, "builtins")
// Class for attribute __dict__ of classes
var mappingproxy = $B.mappingproxy = $B.make_class("mappingproxy",
if(_b_.isinstance(obj, dict)){
// obj is a dictionary, with $string_dict table such that
// obj.$string_dict[key] = [value, rank]
// Transform it into an object with attribute $jsobj such that
// res.$jsobj[key] = value
var res = $B.obj_dict(dict.$to_obj(obj))
var res = $B.obj_dict(obj)
res.__class__ = mappingproxy
return res
mappingproxy.$match_mapping_pattern = true // for pattern matching (PEP 634)
mappingproxy.__repr__ = function(){
return '<mappingproxy object>'
mappingproxy.__setitem__ = function(){
throw _b_.TypeError.$factory("'mappingproxy' object does not support " +
"item assignment")
for(var attr in dict){
if(mappingproxy[attr] !== undefined ||
["__class__", "__mro__", "__new__", "__init__", "__delitem__",
"clear", "fromkeys", "pop", "popitem", "setdefault",
"update"].indexOf(attr) > -1){
if(typeof dict[attr] == "function"){
mappingproxy[attr] = (function(key){
return function(){
return dict[key].apply(null, arguments)
mappingproxy[attr] = dict[attr]
$B.set_func_names(mappingproxy, "builtins")
function jsobj2dict(x, exclude){
exclude = exclude || function(){return false}
var d = $B.empty_dict()
for(var attr in x){
if(attr.charAt(0) != "$" && ! exclude(attr)){
if(x[attr] === null){
d.$string_dict[attr] = [_b_.None, d.$order++]
}else if(x[attr] === undefined){
}else if(x[attr].$jsobj === x){
d.$string_dict[attr] = [d, d.$order++]
d.$string_dict[attr] = [$B.$JS2Py(x[attr]), d.$order++]
return d
$B.obj_dict = function(obj, exclude){
var klass = obj.__class__ || $B.get_class(obj)
if(klass !== undefined && klass.$native){
throw $B.attr_error("__dict__", obj)
var res = $B.empty_dict()
res.$jsobj = obj
res.$exclude = exclude || function(){return false}
return res
// Wrapper around a JS object to handle it as a Python dictionary.
// Some keys of the original object can be ignored by passing
// the filtering function exclude().
// Supports adding new keys.
var jsobj_as_pydict = $B.jsobj_as_pydict = $B.make_class('jsobj_as_pydict',
function(jsobj, exclude){
return {
__class__: jsobj_as_pydict,
obj: jsobj,
exclude: exclude ? exclude : function(){return false},
new_keys: []
jsobj_as_pydict.__contains__ = function(self, key){
if(self.new_keys.indexOf(key) > -1){
return true
return ! (self.exclude(key) || self.obj[key] === undefined)
jsobj_as_pydict.__delitem__ = function(self, key){
jsobj_as_pydict.__getitem__(self, key) // raises KeyError if not present
delete self.obj[key]
var ix = self.new_keys.indexOf(key)
if(ix > -1){
self.new_keys.splice(ix, 1)
jsobj_as_pydict.__eq__ = function(self, other){
if(other.__class__ !== jsobj_as_pydict){
return _b_.NotImplemented
// create true Python dicts with the items in self and other
var self1 = $B.empty_dict()
other1 = $B.empty_dict()
dict.__init__(self1, jsobj_as_pydict.items(self))
dict.__init__(other1, jsobj_as_pydict.items(other))
// Compare true Python dicts
return dict.__eq__(self1, other1)
jsobj_as_pydict.__getitem__ = function(self, key){
if(jsobj_as_pydict.__contains__(self, key)){
return self.obj[key]
throw _b_.KeyError.$factory(key)
jsobj_as_pydict.__iter__ = function(self){
return _b_.iter(jsobj_as_pydict.keys(self))
jsobj_as_pydict.__len__ = function(self){
var len = 0
for(var key in self.obj){
if(! self.exclude(key)){
return len + self.new_keys.length
jsobj_as_pydict.__repr__ = function(self){
return "{...}"
var res = [],
items = _b_.list.$factory(jsobj_as_pydict.items(self))
for(var item of items){
res.push(_b_.repr(item[0]) + ": " + _b_.repr(item[1]))
return "{" + res.join(", ") + "}"
jsobj_as_pydict.__setitem__ = function(self, key, value){
if(self.exclude(key) && self.new_keys.indexOf(key) == -1){
self.obj[key] = value
jsobj_as_pydict.get = function(self, key, _default){
_default = _default === undefined ? _b_.None : _default
if(self.exclude(key) || self.obj[key] === undefined){
return _default
return self.obj[key]
jsobj_as_pydict.items = function(self){
var items = []
for(var key in self.obj){
if(self.exclude(key) && self.new_keys.indexOf(key) == -1){
items.push($B.fast_tuple([key, self.obj[key]]))
var set_like = true
// Check if all values are hashable
for(var item of items){
set_like = false
var it = dict_items.$factory(self, items, set_like)
it.dict_version = self.$version
return it
jsobj_as_pydict.keys = function(self){
var lst = []
for(var key in self.obj){
if(self.exclude(key) && self.new_keys.indexOf(key) == -1){
var it = dict_keys.$factory(self, lst, true)
it.dict_version = self.$version
return it
jsobj_as_pydict.values = function(self){
var values = []
for(var key in self.obj){
if(self.exclude(key) && self.new_keys.indexOf(key) == -1){
var it = dict_values.$factory(self, values, false)
it.dict_version = self.$version
return it
$B.set_func_names(jsobj_as_pydict, 'builtins')