Skip to content
Cannot retrieve contributors at this time
var _b_ = $B.builtins
function $err(op, other){
var msg = "unsupported operand type(s) for " + op +
" : 'int' and '" + $B.class_name(other) + "'"
throw _b_.TypeError.$factory(msg)
function int_value(obj){
// Instances of int subclasses that call int.__new__(cls, value)
// have an attribute $brython_value set
if(typeof obj == "boolean"){
return obj ? 1 : 0
return obj.$brython_value !== undefined ? obj.$brython_value : obj
// dictionary for built-in class 'int'
var int = {
__class__: _b_.type,
__dir__: _b_.object.__dir__,
__mro__: [_b_.object],
$infos: {
__module__: "builtins",
__name__: "int"
$is_class: true,
$native: true,
$descriptors: {
"numerator": true,
"denominator": true,
"imag": true,
"real": true
int.as_integer_ratio = function(){
var $ = $B.args("as_integer_ratio", 1, {self:null}, ["self"],
arguments, {}, null, null)
return $B.$list([$.self, 1])
int.from_bytes = function() {
var $ = $B.args("from_bytes", 3,
{bytes:null, byteorder:null, signed:null},
["bytes", "byteorder", "signed"],
arguments, {signed: false}, null, null)
var x = $.bytes,
byteorder = $.byteorder,
signed = $.signed,
_bytes, _len
if(_b_.isinstance(x, [_b_.bytes, _b_.bytearray])){
_bytes = x.source
_len = x.source.length
_bytes = _b_.list.$factory(x)
_len = _bytes.length
for(var i = 0; i < _len; i++){
if(byteorder == "big"){
}else if(byteorder != "little"){
throw _b_.ValueError.$factory(
"byteorder must be either 'little' or 'big'")
var num = _bytes[0]
if(signed && num >= 128){
num = num - 256
var _mult = 256
for(var i = 1; i < _len; i++){
num = $B.add($B.mul(_mult, _bytes[i]), num)
_mult = $B.mul(_mult, 256)
if(! signed){
return num
if(_bytes[_len - 1] < 128){
return num
return $B.sub(num, _mult)
int.to_bytes = function(){
var $ = $B.args("to_bytes", 3,
{self: null, len: null, byteorder: null, signed: null},
["self", "len", "byteorder", "*", "signed"],
arguments, {signed: false}, null, null),
self = $.self,
len = $.len,
byteorder = $.byteorder,
signed = $.signed
if(! _b_.isinstance(len,{
throw _b_.TypeError.$factory("integer argument expected, got " +
if(["little", "big"].indexOf(byteorder) == -1){
throw _b_.ValueError.$factory(
"byteorder must be either 'little' or 'big'")
if(_b_.isinstance(self, $B.long_int)){
return $B.long_int.to_bytes(self, len, byteorder, signed)
if(self < 0){
if(! signed){
throw _b_.OverflowError.$factory(
"can't convert negative int to unsigned")
self = Math.pow(256, len) + self
var res = [],
value = self
while(value > 0){
var quotient = Math.floor(value / 256),
rest = value - 256 * quotient
if(res.length > len){
throw _b_.OverflowError.$factory("int too big to convert")
value = quotient
while(res.length < len){
if(byteorder == "big"){
return {
__class__: _b_.bytes,
source: res
int.__abs__ = function(self){return _b_.abs(self)}
int.__add__ = function(self, other){
self = int_value(self)
if(_b_.isinstance(other, int)){
if(other.__class__ == $B.long_int){
return $B.long_int.__add__($B.long_int.$factory(self),
other = int_value(other)
var res = self + other
if(res > $B.min_int && res < $B.max_int){
return res
return $B.long_int.__add__($B.long_int.$factory(self),
return _b_.NotImplemented
int.__bool__ = function(self){
return int_value(self).valueOf() == 0 ? false : true
int.__ceil__ = function(self){return Math.ceil(int_value(self))}
int.__divmod__ = function(self, other){
if(! _b_.isinstance(other, int)){
return _b_.NotImplemented
return $B.fast_tuple([int.__floordiv__(self, other),
int.__mod__(self, other)])
int.__eq__ = function(self, other){
// compare object "self" to class "int"
if(_b_.isinstance(other, int)){
return self.valueOf() == int_value(other).valueOf()
if(_b_.isinstance(other, _b_.float)){
return self.valueOf() == other.valueOf()
if(_b_.isinstance(other, _b_.complex)){
if(other.$imag != 0){return _b_.False}
return self.valueOf() == other.$real
return _b_.NotImplemented
int.__float__ = function(self){
return new Number(self)
function preformat(self, fmt){
if(fmt.empty){return _b_.str.$factory(self)}
if(fmt.type && 'bcdoxXn'.indexOf(fmt.type) == -1){
throw _b_.ValueError.$factory("Unknown format code '" + fmt.type +
"' for object of type 'int'")
var res
case undefined:
case "d":
res = self.toString()
case "b":
res = (fmt.alternate ? "0b" : "") + self.toString(2)
case "c":
res = _b_.chr(self)
case "o":
res = (fmt.alternate ? "0o" : "") + self.toString(8)
case "x":
res = (fmt.alternate ? "0x" : "") + self.toString(16)
case "X":
res = (fmt.alternate ? "0X" : "") + self.toString(16).toUpperCase()
case "n":
return self // fix me
if(fmt.sign !== undefined){
if((fmt.sign == " " || fmt.sign == "+" ) && self >= 0){
res = fmt.sign + res
return res
int.__format__ = function(self, format_spec){
var fmt = new $B.parse_format_spec(format_spec)
if(fmt.type && 'eEfFgG%'.indexOf(fmt.type) != -1){
// Call __format__ on float(self)
return _b_.float.__format__(self, format_spec)
fmt.align = fmt.align || ">"
var res = preformat(self, fmt)
var sign = res[0] == "-" ? "-" : "",
rest = res.substr(sign.length),
len = rest.length,
nb = Math.ceil(rest.length/3),
chunks = []
for(var i = 0; i < nb; i++){
chunks.push(rest.substring(len - 3 * i - 3, len - 3 * i))
res = sign + chunks.join(",")
return $B.format_width(res, fmt)
int.__floordiv__ = function(self, other){
if(other.__class__ === $B.long_int){
return $B.long_int.__floordiv__($B.long_int.$factory(self), other)
if(_b_.isinstance(other, int)){
other = int_value(other)
if(other == 0){throw _b_.ZeroDivisionError.$factory("division by zero")}
return Math.floor(self / other)
return _b_.NotImplemented
int.__hash__ = function(self){
// int subclass
var hash_method = $B.$getattr(self.__class__, '__hash__')
if(hash_method === int.__hash__){
if(typeof self.$brython_value == "number"){
return self.$brython_value
}else{ // long int
return $B.long_int.__hash__(self.$brython_value)
return hash_method(self)
return self.valueOf()
//int.__ior__ = function(self,other){return self | other} // bitwise OR
int.__index__ = function(self){
return int_value(self)
int.__init__ = function(self, value){
if(value === undefined){value = 0}
self.toString = function(){return value}
return _b_.None
int.__int__ = function(self){return self}
int.__invert__ = function(self){return ~self}
// bitwise left shift
int.__lshift__ = function(self, other){
self = int_value(self)
if(_b_.isinstance(other, int)){
other = int_value(other)
return int.$factory($B.long_int.__lshift__($B.long_int.$factory(self),
console.log('err in lshift', self, other)
throw err
return _b_.NotImplemented
int.__mod__ = function(self, other) {
// can't use Javascript % because it works differently for negative numbers
if(_b_.isinstance(other,_b_.tuple) && other.length == 1){other = other[0]}
if(other.__class__ === $B.long_int){
return $B.long_int.__mod__($B.long_int.$factory(self), other)
if(_b_.isinstance(other, int)){
other = int_value(other)
if(other === false){other = 0}
else if(other === true){other = 1}
if(other == 0){throw _b_.ZeroDivisionError.$factory(
"integer division or modulo by zero")}
return (self % other + other) % other
return _b_.NotImplemented
int.__mul__ = function(self, other){
self = int_value(self)
if(_b_.isinstance(other, int)){
if(other.__class__ == $B.long_int){
return $B.long_int.__mul__($B.long_int.$factory(self),
other = int_value(other)
var res = self * other
if(res > $B.min_int && res < $B.max_int){
return res
return int.$factory($B.long_int.__mul__($B.long_int.$factory(self),
return _b_.NotImplemented
int.__ne__ = function(self, other){
var res = int.__eq__(self, other)
return (res === _b_.NotImplemented) ? res : !res
int.__neg__ = function(self){return -self}
int.__new__ = function(cls, value){
if(cls === undefined){
throw _b_.TypeError.$factory("int.__new__(): not enough arguments")
}else if(! _b_.isinstance(cls, _b_.type)){
throw _b_.TypeError.$factory("int.__new__(X): X is not a type object")
if(cls === int){
return int.$factory(value)
return {
__class__: cls,
__dict__: $B.empty_dict(),
$brython_value: value || 0
int.__pos__ = function(self){return self}
function extended_euclidean(a, b){
var d, u, v
if(b == 0){
return [a, 1, 0]
[d, u, v] = extended_euclidean(b, a % b)
return [d, v, u - Math.floor(a / b) * v]
int.__pow__ = function(self, other, z){
if(! _b_.isinstance(other, int)){
return _b_.NotImplemented
if(typeof other == "number" || _b_.isinstance(other, int)){
other = int_value(other)
switch(other.valueOf()) {
case 0:
return int.$factory(1)
case 1:
return int.$factory(self.valueOf())
if(z !== undefined && z !== _b_.None){
// If z is provided, the algorithm is faster than computing
// self ** other then applying the modulo z
if(z == 1){return 0}
var result = 1,
base = self % z,
exponent = other,
long_int = $B.long_int
if(exponent < 0){
var gcd, inv, _
[gcd, inv, _] = extended_euclidean(self, z)
if(gcd !== 1){
throw _b_.ValueError.$factory("not relative primes: " +
self + ' and ' + z)
return int.__pow__(inv, -exponent, z)
while(exponent > 0){
if(exponent % 2 == 1){
if(result * base > $B.max_int){
result = long_int.__mul__(
result = long_int.__mod__(result, z)
result = (result * base) % z
exponent = exponent >> 1
if(base * base > $B.max_int){
base = long_int.__mul__(long_int.$factory(base),
base = long_int.__mod__(base, z)
base = (base * base) % z
return result
var res = Math.pow(self.valueOf(), other.valueOf())
if(res > $B.min_int && res < $B.max_int){
return other > 0 ? res : new Number(res)
}else if(res !== Infinity && !isFinite(res)){
return res
return {
__class__: $B.long_int,
value: ($B.BigInt(self) ** $B.BigInt(other)).toString(),
pos: true
return $B.long_int.__pow__($B.long_int.$from_int(self),
if(_b_.isinstance(other, _b_.float)) {
other = _b_.float.numerator(other)
if(self >= 0){
return new Number(Math.pow(self, other))
// use complex power
return _b_.complex.__pow__($B.make_complex(self, 0), other)
}else if(_b_.isinstance(other, _b_.complex)){
var preal = Math.pow(self, other.$real),
ln = Math.log(self)
return $B.make_complex(preal * Math.cos(ln), preal * Math.sin(ln))
var rpow = $B.$getattr(other, "__rpow__", _b_.None)
if(rpow !== _b_.None){
return rpow(self)
$err("**", other)
function __newobj__(){
// __newobj__ is called with a generator as only argument
var $ = $B.args('__newobj__', 0, {}, [], arguments, {}, 'args', null),
args = $.args
var res = args.slice(1)
res.__class__ = args[0]
return res
int.__reduce_ex__ = function(self){
return $B.fast_tuple([
$B.fast_tuple([self.__class__ || int, int_value(self)]),
int.__repr__ = function(self){
$B.builtins_repr_check(int, arguments) // in brython_builtins.js
return int_value(self).toString()
// bitwise right shift
int.__rshift__ = function(self, other){
self = int_value(self)
if(typeof other == "number" || _b_.isinstance(other, int)){
other = int_value(other)
return int.$factory($B.long_int.__rshift__($B.long_int.$factory(self),
return _b_.NotImplemented
int.__setattr__ = function(self, attr, value){
if(typeof self == "number" || typeof self == "boolean"){
var cl_name = $B.class_name(self)
if(_b_.dir(self).indexOf(attr) > -1){
throw _b_.AttributeError.$factory("attribute '" + attr +
`' of '${cl_name}' objects is not writable`)
throw _b_.AttributeError.$factory(`'${cl_name}' object` +
` has no attribute '${attr}'`)
throw _b_.AttributeError.$factory(msg)
// subclasses of int can have attributes set
_b_.dict.$setitem(self.__dict__, attr, value)
return _b_.None
int.__sub__ = function(self, other){
self = int_value(self)
if(_b_.isinstance(other, int)){
if(other.__class__ == $B.long_int){
return $B.long_int.__sub__($B.long_int.$factory(self),
other = int_value(other)
var res = self - other
if(res > $B.min_int && res < $B.max_int){
return res
return $B.long_int.__sub__($B.long_int.$factory(self),
return _b_.NotImplemented
int.__truediv__ = function(self, other){
if(_b_.isinstance(other, int)){
other = int_value(other)
if(other == 0){
throw _b_.ZeroDivisionError.$factory("division by zero")
if(other.__class__ === $B.long_int){
return new Number(self / parseInt(other.value))
return new Number(self / other)
return _b_.NotImplemented
int.bit_count = function(self){
var s = _b_.bin(_b_.abs(self)),
nb = 0
for(var x of s){
if(x == '1'){
return nb
int.bit_length = function(self){
var s = _b_.bin(self)
s = $B.$getattr(s, "lstrip")("-0b") // remove leading zeros and minus sign
return s.length // len('100101') --> 6
// descriptors
int.numerator = function(self){
return int_value(self)
int.denominator = function(self){
return int.$factory(1)
int.imag = function(self){
return int.$factory(0)
int.real = function(self){
return self
for(var attr of ['numerator', 'denominator', 'imag', 'real']){
int[attr].setter = (function(x){
return function(self, value){
throw _b_.AttributeError.$factory(`attribute '${x}' of ` +
`'${$B.class_name(self)}' objects is not writable`)
$B.max_int32 = (1 << 30) * 2 - 1
$B.min_int32 = - $B.max_int32
// code for operands & | ^
var $op_func = function(self, other){
self = int_value(self)
if(typeof other == "number" || _b_.isinstance(other, int)){
if(other.__class__ === $B.long_int){
return $B.long_int.__sub__($B.long_int.$factory(self),
other = int_value(other)
if(self > $B.max_int32 || self < $B.min_int32 ||
other > $B.max_int32 || other < $B.min_int32){
return $B.long_int.__sub__($B.long_int.$factory(self),
return self - other
return _b_.NotImplemented
$op_func += "" // source code
var $ops = {"&": "and", "|": "or", "^": "xor"}
for(var $op in $ops){
var opf = $op_func.replace(/-/gm, $op)
opf = opf.replace(new RegExp("sub", "gm"), $ops[$op])
eval("int.__" + $ops[$op] + "__ = " + opf)
// comparison methods
var $comp_func = function(self, other){
if(other.__class__ === $B.long_int){
return $B.long_int.__lt__(other, $B.long_int.$factory(self))
if(_b_.isinstance(other, int)){
other = int_value(other)
return self.valueOf() > other.valueOf()
}else if(_b_.isinstance(other, _b_.float)){
return self.valueOf() > _b_.float.numerator(other)
}else if(_b_.isinstance(other, _b_.bool)) {
return self.valueOf() > _b_.bool.__hash__(other)
if(_b_.hasattr(other, "__int__") || _b_.hasattr(other, "__index__")){
return int.__gt__(self, $B.$GetInt(other))
return _b_.NotImplemented
$comp_func += "" // source code
for(var $op in $B.$comps){
eval("int.__"+$B.$comps[$op] + "__ = " +
$comp_func.replace(/>/gm, $op).
replace(/__gt__/gm,"__" + $B.$comps[$op] + "__").
replace(/__lt__/, "__" + $B.$inv_comps[$op] + "__"))
// add "reflected" methods
var r_opnames = ["add", "sub", "mul", "truediv", "floordiv", "mod", "pow",
"lshift", "rshift", "and", "xor", "or", "divmod"]
for(var r_opname of r_opnames){
if(int["__r" + r_opname + "__"] === undefined &&
int['__' + r_opname + '__']){
int["__r" + r_opname + "__"] = (function(name){
return function(self, other){
if(_b_.isinstance(other, int)){
other = int_value(other)
return int["__" + name + "__"](other, self)
return _b_.NotImplemented
var $valid_digits = function(base) {
var digits = ""
if(base === 0){return "0"}
if(base < 10){
for(var i = 0; i < base; i++){digits += String.fromCharCode(i + 48)}
return digits
var digits = "0123456789"
// A = 65 (10 + 55)
for (var i = 10; i < base; i++) {digits += String.fromCharCode(i + 55)}
return digits
int.$factory = function(value, base){
// int() with no argument returns 0
if(value === undefined){return 0}
// int() of an integer returns the integer if base is undefined
if(typeof value == "number" &&
(base === undefined || base == 10)){return parseInt(value)}
if(_b_.isinstance(value, _b_.complex)){
throw _b_.TypeError.$factory("can't convert complex to int")
var $ns = $B.args("int", 2, {x:null, base:null}, ["x", "base"], arguments,
{"base": 10}, null, null),
value = $ns["x"],
base = $ns["base"]
if(_b_.isinstance(value, _b_.float) && base == 10){
value = _b_.float.numerator(value) // for float subclasses
if(value < $B.min_int || value > $B.max_int){
return $B.long_int.$from_float(value)
return value > 0 ? Math.floor(value) : Math.ceil(value)
if(! (base >=2 && base <= 36)){
// throw error (base must be 0, or 2-36)
if(base != 0){
throw _b_.ValueError.$factory("invalid base")
if(typeof value == "number"){
if(base == 10){
if(value < $B.min_int || value > $B.max_int){
return $B.long_int.$factory(value)
return value
}else if(value.toString().search("e") > -1){
// can't convert to another base if value is too big
throw _b_.OverflowError.$factory("can't convert to base " + base)
var res = parseInt(value, base)
if(value < $B.min_int || value > $B.max_int){
return $B.long_int.$factory(value, base)
return res
if(value === true){return Number(1)}
if(value === false){return Number(0)}
if(value.__class__ === $B.long_int){
var z = parseInt(value.value)
if(z > $B.min_int && z < $B.max_int){return z}
else{return value}
base = $B.$GetInt(base)
function invalid(value, base){
throw _b_.ValueError.$factory("invalid literal for int() with base " +
base + ": '" + _b_.str.$factory(value) + "'")
if(_b_.isinstance(value, _b_.str)){
value = value.valueOf()
if(typeof value == "string") {
var _value = value.trim() // remove leading/trailing whitespace
if(_value.length == 2 && base == 0 &&
(_value == "0b" || _value == "0o" || _value == "0x")){
throw _b_.ValueError.$factory("invalid value")
if(_value.length > 2) {
var _pre = _value.substr(0, 2).toUpperCase()
if(base == 0){
if(_pre == "0B"){base = 2}
if(_pre == "0O"){base = 8}
if(_pre == "0X"){base = 16}
}else if(_pre == "0X" && base != 16){invalid(_value, base)}
else if(_pre == "0O" && base != 8){invalid(_value, base)}
if((_pre == "0B" && base == 2) || _pre == "0O" || _pre == "0X"){
_value = _value.substr(2)
_value = _value.substr(1)
}else if(base == 0){
// eg int("1\n", 0)
base = 10
var _digits = $valid_digits(base),
_re = new RegExp("^[+-]?[" + _digits + "]" +
"[" + _digits + "_]*$", "i"),
match = _re.exec(_value)
if(match === null){
invalid(value, base)
value = _value.replace(/_/g, "")
if(base <= 10 && ! isFinite(value)){
invalid(_value, base)
var res = parseInt(value, base)
if(res < $B.min_int || res > $B.max_int){
return $B.long_int.$factory(value, base)
return res
if(_b_.isinstance(value, [_b_.bytes, _b_.bytearray])){
return int.$factory($B.$getattr(value, "decode")("latin-1"), base)
for(var special_method of ["__int__", "__index__", "__trunc__"]){
var num_value = $B.$getattr(value.__class__ || $B.get_class(value),
special_method, _b_.None)
if(num_value !== _b_.None){
return $B.$call(num_value)(value)
throw _b_.TypeError.$factory(
"int() argument must be a string, a bytes-like " +
"object or a number, not '" + $B.class_name(value) + "'")
$B.set_func_names(int, "builtins") = int
// Boolean type
$B.$bool = function(obj){ // return true or false
if(obj === null || obj === undefined ){ return false}
switch(typeof obj){
case "boolean":
return obj
case "number":
case "string":
if(obj){return true}
return false
if(obj.$is_class){return true}
var klass = obj.__class__ || $B.get_class(obj),
missing = {},
bool_method = $B.$getattr(klass, "__bool__", missing)
if(bool_method === missing){
try{return _b_.len(obj) > 0}
catch(err){return true}
var res = $B.$call(bool_method)(obj)
if(res !== true && res !== false){
throw _b_.TypeError.$factory("__bool__ should return " +
"bool, returned " + $B.class_name(res))
return res
var bool = {
__bases__: [int],
__class__: _b_.type,
__mro__: [int, _b_.object],
__name__: "bool",
__module__: "builtins"
$is_class: true,
$native: true,
$descriptors: {
"numerator": true,
"denominator": true,
"imag": true,
"real": true
bool.__and__ = function(self, other){
if(_b_.isinstance(other, bool)){
return self && other
}else if(_b_.isinstance(other, int)){
return int.__and__(bool.__index__(self), int.__index__(other))
return _b_.NotImplemented
bool.__float__ = function(self){
return self ? new Number(1) : new Number(0)
bool.__hash__ = bool.__index__ = bool.__int__ = function(self){
if(self.valueOf()) return 1
return 0
bool.__neg__ = function(self){return -$B.int_or_bool(self)}
bool.__or__ = function(self, other){
if(_b_.isinstance(other, bool)){
return self || other
}else if(_b_.isinstance(other, int)){
return int.__or__(bool.__index__(self), int.__index__(other))
return _b_.NotImplemented
bool.__pos__ = $B.int_or_bool
bool.__repr__ = function(self){
$B.builtins_repr_check(bool, arguments) // in brython_builtins.js
return self ? "True" : "False"
bool.__xor__ = function(self, other) {
if(_b_.isinstance(other, bool)){
return self ^ other ? true : false
}else if(_b_.isinstance(other, int)){
return int.__xor__(bool.__index__(self), int.__index__(other))
return _b_.NotImplemented
bool.$factory = function(){
// Calls $B.$bool, which is used inside the generated JS code and skips
// arguments control.
var $ = $B.args("bool", 1, {x: null}, ["x"],
arguments,{x: false}, null, null)
return $B.$bool($.x)
bool.numerator = int.numerator
bool.denominator = int.denominator
bool.real = int.real
bool.imag = int.imag
_b_.bool = bool
$B.set_func_names(bool, "builtins")